Pre-Pregnancy Weight

I am SO proud to announce that after 6 months (my son turned 6 months old two days ago 🙂 ) I am BACK TO MY PRE-PREGGO WEIGHT! and I’m actually a little smaller than I was even then!

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At first I was just jogging and doing the paleo diet, then I kind of strayed a little bit from Paleo. I still ate healthy, but wasn’t as strict as I had been. Then a month ago, my friend told me about this nutritional cleanse she had been doing and had lost a ton of inches and weight from it and also gained some lean muscle. She showed me her before and afters and looked AMAZING. I was hesitant because I was still breast feeding and I knew cleanses were not OK since the toxins that get released go into the milk. But she said that there were 2 parts to the system, the cleanse part and the nutrition part and that I could just do the nutrition part and even though it wouldn’t be as fast results (most people lose 5-11lbs of fat in the first 2 weeks), I would still start to lean out and lose weight. Its also not a diet!

So I tried it! all I did was replace two meals with their nutrition shakes and continue eating normally besides that. When I was hungry, I ate something. No calorie restrictions which was awesome! Results: My stomach is noticeably flatter, I’ve lost 4 inches, and 5 lbs! I’ve also gotten way more energy (I don’t hate my life when my son wakes up at 7:30am anymore 😛 ) and just feel good.

I love it!! 😀