Pre-Pregnancy Weight

I am SO proud to announce that after 6 months (my son turned 6 months old two days ago 🙂 ) I am BACK TO MY PRE-PREGGO WEIGHT! and I’m actually a little smaller than I was even then!

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At first I was just jogging and doing the paleo diet, then I kind of strayed a little bit from Paleo. I still ate healthy, but wasn’t as strict as I had been. Then a month ago, my friend told me about this nutritional cleanse she had been doing and had lost a ton of inches and weight from it and also gained some lean muscle. She showed me her before and afters and looked AMAZING. I was hesitant because I was still breast feeding and I knew cleanses were not OK since the toxins that get released go into the milk. But she said that there were 2 parts to the system, the cleanse part and the nutrition part and that I could just do the nutrition part and even though it wouldn’t be as fast results (most people lose 5-11lbs of fat in the first 2 weeks), I would still start to lean out and lose weight. Its also not a diet!

So I tried it! all I did was replace two meals with their nutrition shakes and continue eating normally besides that. When I was hungry, I ate something. No calorie restrictions which was awesome! Results: My stomach is noticeably flatter, I’ve lost 4 inches, and 5 lbs! I’ve also gotten way more energy (I don’t hate my life when my son wakes up at 7:30am anymore 😛 ) and just feel good.

I love it!! 😀

Baby giggles

My little boy laughed for the first time this morning!! I’ve been anxiously awaiting his first laugh because I think baby laughs are damn near the cutest thing a baby can do. I was really worried that I wouldn’t be with him for his first laugh now that I’m working 4 nights a week, but it just so happens that today was a Sunday! Which means my husband and I were both off work and snuggling with Cristopher in bed. My husband started playing with him and he let out the most adorable squeal/giggle I’ve ever heard in my life. I kiiiinda freaked out…
took a bunch of videos…
watched them about a hundred times afterwards…

Yesterday marked his 3 month “birthday”! I can’t believe time has gone by so quickly. I was googling 3 month old milestones and was happy to find that Cristopher is on track with everything! He smiles, laughs (yay!), recognizes mine and my husbands faces and voices, grabs with his hands (and occasionally will grab and hold a toy), follows objects with his eyes and turns his head, does mini push-ups, tries to support himself on his legs and makes cooing sounds. The only thing he hasn’t done is roll over yet, but not for lack of trying. He gets over to his side while lying on his back, just hasn’t quite gone all the way yet ☺️

Here’s his 3 month old picture!

And a few other photos from recently ❤️💙




20140302-205451.jpg(he looooves his giraffe!!)





Thanks for reading!
LOVE to you all ❤️


I turned 22 on Monday! 21 was quite the year for me as I recapped in my New Years post and I think 22 has some big shoes to fill ☺️
Monday morning (more like noonish) Cristian made me a birthday brunch. He made a side of rice with diced potatoes topped with a fried egg and sautéed shrimp, chicken, bell peppers and pineapple chunks inside a pineapple half…um delish.

Most of the day was spent lazing around, napping,

20140109-164753.jpg and watching Breaking Bad–I think we may have watched a whole season in one day…don’t judge. We also jail broke both our iPhones 😄 my husband had updated his software to iOS 7 (from his jail broken iOS 6) a few months ago and has been waiting and waiting for the new jailbreak to come out for iOS 7 which it finally did! I wasn’t as excited about it as him because I had kept my iOS 6 when he updated his..but it was fun to play around with the jail break
Then that night he took me to The Melting Pot (a fondue restaurant) for dinner and Happy babysat Cristopher for his/her first time! Not that it was anything new for my mom..she’s gone through the baby stage 9 times on her own so I felt completely at ease leaving him with her. It wasn’t a long night out, but it was wonderful❤️




Cristopher is getting so strong. We’ll sit him on our lap facing us and he’ll push himself up into a standing position (with help, of course) and can hold his head upright so well! Cristian has started letting him “fly” when he’s standing up and he loooooves it!


I love watching my men spending time together 😍 it makes my heart happy.

New Year!

Another year has come and gone. 2013 has definitely been the most eventful year to date. Looking back, I had a pretty damn good year
• January: Turned 21 and had a classic “drink all day and get shmammered” birthday party with my husband and all my good friends 😊🍷🍹🎉

• February: Was taken to the Melting Pot fondue restaurant for valentines day

• March: Found out we were pregnant! And finished the Tree of Life tattoo on my back

• April: (Not really a highlight) Spent most of the month nervous out of my mind. I had had a miscarriage last fall and lost it right when I was about this far along..also had our first and second ultrasounds (at two different clinics due to lack of health insurance and we hasn’t found a doctor yet)

•May: Made “sopes” for my first time for Cinco de Mayo, shared with our friends and family that we were pregnant, went to the beach with my family and went to the restaurant on the beach where we got married and had our reception the year before 💕

• June: Had my first sewing project ever – a baby blanket! It was quite successful but I still have yet to use it. (I never use any blankets bigger or thicker than receiving blankets..), and went camping at Rock Island!

• July: Celebrated our 1year anniversary by going out to dinner at Flemmings and getting a baby bootie charm for my pandora bracelet, found out we were having a boy!


• August: Had my baby shower and got some amazing gifts from some great friends ☺, completed a few baby projects (wardrobe, baby legs, and nursing tank top–the last two I have yet to use…)

• September: Went cabrewing – I was the only sober one, it was fine at first but the more drunk everyone else got, the more jealous I got 😕, made burp rags (love them and use them a ton), and celebrated my husbands 27th birthday! And made him a watermelon cake 😋

• October: Quit working! We had our pregnancy pictures done and packed our hospital bags (confession: I didn’t even bring our bags into the hospital..we didn’t take a “leaving” picture so we both wore the clothes we came in. The only bag we brought in was Cristopher’s diaper bag for a change of clothes for him and our tooth brushes. And those are the only things I used…waste of time, huh?)

• November: HAD OUR BABY!! Went through 30 hours of labor, 3 hours of intermittent sleeping between SUPER intense contractions, and 50 minutes of pushing without any pain meds in order to get that little sucker out..but it was all worth it. He’s so beautiful 😍 Got out of the hospital on Thanksgiving day and spent the day at my parents’ house with my siblings and sisters-in-law 😊❤, and Cristian got his Mary/sacred heart tattoo on his arm done!


• December: December went by the fastest of any of the months. I think it’s because I spent all day every day staring at Cristopher and watching him grow. I’m so blessed to have a husband willing to work two full time jobs so that I can be home with him all day. Even though I miss the crap outta him because he works so much 😔. And of course we had Christmas with my family! And last night we had a quiet dinner with some rosé champagne and watched Breaking Bad instead of watching the ball drop, and I had the cutest boys to kiss at midnight and start a new year with 😘


I haven’t spent too much time thinking about resolutions, but I do have a few I came up with
1. Get my pre-pregnancy body back.
2. Make time to eat and to eat healthier. Maybe try paleo
3. Set aside time for myself every once in awhile
4. Enjoy the little things and live in the present
5. Become fluent in Spanish
6. Start hula hooping again

1 week check up

Today we had our 1 week check up! Cristopher was born weighing 6lbs 11oz, left the hospital at 6lbs 6oz and at his check up today he weighed 7lbs 2oz! They like for babies to be at least back up to their birth weight by 1 week so he was more than great!
He’s gotten so much cuter (I didn’t know it was possible) over the past week! He looks more like a little person every day ☺



Cristian had made himself a promise that if everything with this pregnancy/birth went well, he would get a tattoo to remember it.
aaaaand here it is! — 5 hours of needlework


38 weeks

38 (and a half) weeks. I feel like it’s the calm before the storm. No more big projects and no more major cleaning to do. I spend most of my days sleeping late/taking naps, taking coffee to the park for both our exercise, watching TV, and cooking. It’s relaxing, but the days can seem sooooo long once it gets dark (at 4:45?!) and I’m just waiting for Cristian to get off work.

The weather took a 180 between Monday and Tuesday. Monday I went to the park and it was 65 degrees! I was literally walking around in my yoga pants and a tank top and was comfortably warm. But yesterday morning there was a chance for snow and it was 35 degrees with 20mph winds…. what the heck? I was seriously debating not taking Coffee out of the house but I knew for my sanity later in the day, it was smarter to just get it over with. So I went out (in my version of) all bundled up


aaaaand was still freezing. I hate winter.

I made a few more meals to put in the freezer for after Cristopher gets here. I made beef and cheese burritos – 100% gringo style. flour tortillas and all haha. image and I also made what I like to call “everything-in-your-fridge” soup with leftover beef from the burritos, chicken, marinara sauce, tomato sauce, onions, carrots, celery, and chili beans. So its basically a chili I guess, but not really. When Cristian got home that night and I told him what else I had put in the freezer he was like “you gotta stop, we’re not gonna be able to eat it all!” I beg to differ, but if he wants to make us full dinners every night, he is more than welcome to!

I did do a few small projects this week. I made a couple Christmas gifts and also made some placemats for Thanksgiving that let everyone write down a few things they’re thankful for. Normally we go around the table at the end of the meal and everyone says something they’re thankful for.. but this way they have the whole meal to think of things and write them down so they’re not drawing a blank or saying something generic when it comes to their turn.


I think they turned out pretty cute!

We had a doctors appointment yesterday morning and everything looks good! He’s head down, size is looking good, my weight and blood pressure look good.. we’re just waiting for him to make his grand entrance! I’m really hoping he comes on/before his due date because my brother and his fiancée are coming down from Michigan for Thanksgiving and I want them to be able to see him before they have to go back. But considering I’ve barely had any Braxton Hicks and have no other reason to think he’s coming early, I don’t know if that’ll happen 😦

He’s the size of a small pumpkin this week, though! I’m feeling full-on pregnant and ready for him to get out of my belly and into my arms! I can barely make a movement without making some sort of groaning/strained sound haha. I feel like such an old woman.



How far along? 38.5 weeks!

Total Weight Gain? 162.2… so 26.2lbs

How big is nugget? the size of a small pumpkin!

Gender? boy

Maternity Clothes? yoga pants, maternity shirts, and some tank tops.

Morning Sickness? nope. feeling great!

Mood Swings? no

Stretch Marks? legs and hips mainly

How is your sleep? sleep is good, still waking up 2-3 times per night to let coffee out and go to the bathroom…

Best moment this week? the good weather up until this week, still feeling good, the times I get to spend with hubby (tonight he got home at 6:30!).

Worst moment this week? waking up to 30 degree temperatures and wind 😦

Have you felt movement? lots of movement still, I can see almost every move he makes because he’s so big!

Have you heard the heartbeat? yep

Cravings? slushies and starbucks

Belly Button In or Out? definitely out.

Weekly Wisdom: don’t take warm weather for granted! (not that I think I have, but still…)

Milestones: 11 days til D-Day!

37 weeks


Cristopher is now considered a Full-Term baby and we’re under the 3 week mark! He’s still putting on weight every week and developing his little brain more and more too. He’s definitely running out of room in there.. He’s still moving and stretching a lot, but his actual kicks have toned down a bit. We had a doctor appointment this morning and got the results from our Group B Strep test — Negative! yay! No IV antibiotics for this girl! 🙂 He also felt the size of my stomach and thinks Nugget is going to be a “medium” sized baby. He said some doctors like to predict the actual weight of the baby, but he classifies them in small, medium, and large babies. Small is 5-6lbs, medium is 7-8lbs, and large is 9+. Medium sounds good to me. Pushing out a 9 or 10lb baby doesn’t sound very appealing.

#1 favorite thing that happened this week is that last Wednesday night they had an extra person scheduled in the kitchen at Carrabba’s so my hard-working man got the night off! It was great. We went out to Genghis Grill for dinner, bought a movie, then came home to watch it and made a margarona (for those who don’t know, it’s a margarita with a corona turned upside down in the margarita. mmmmm) for Cristian 🙂 It was a long time coming and so nice!


The weather this week has been really beautiful. Very sunny with highs in the mid-high 60’s and occasionally low 70’s! I’ve been spending lots of time at the park with Coffee. I’ve taken her almost every day since I’ve stopped working and usually spend about an hour walking around with her. It’s a win-win because she gets all her energy out from running around and I get my exercise in. Since it’s been so nice this week I’ve been staying out with her between an hour and a half to two hours! and surprisingly I’m not that tired when we leave.

imagelook at that great space for her to run! This is only a small part of the park and thankfully the whole (huge) place is fenced in so I can let her off her leash and she can’t go anywhere!… not like she would anyways… She gets separation anxiety.

We finally got our maternity pictures back! They turned out great. I don’t plan on doing anything crazy with them, but I do want to get a picture frame collage and put our favorites in there. We have pictures all throughout our apartment from our first vacation together to our engagement pictures to our wedding day and our pregnancy announcement pictures. Pretty much the most important dates of our life together are on our walls, so these pictures are definitely going on display 🙂 Here’s a few of our favorites!

my favorite

my favorite




❤ ❤ ❤

I’ve started prepping to make some freezer meals for when after the baby comes. Cristian thinks we’ll still have plentyyyyyy of time to make dinner and thinks we don’t need food that we can just take out of the freezer and put in the oven but we’ll see who’s right! So i got a bunch of ground beef and chicken breasts and today I chopped up a bunch of onions, carrots, and celery and put them in separate containers in the fridge. Hopefully I’ll get around to making some burritos and some meal with shredded chicken in the next couple days


Nugget is the size of a Winter Melon this week. I’ve never personally seen a winter melon.. but from the picture it looks like a young watermelon. I feel like I have a small watermelon in my stomach so I’d say its pretty accurate 🙂



How far along? 37 weeks!

Total Weight Gain? I weighed myself a couple days ago and was 160.6… so 24.6lbs

How big is nugget? the size of a winter melon!

Gender? boy

Maternity Clothes? still wearing yoga pants every day…

Morning Sickness? nope. feeling great!

Mood Swings? no

Stretch Marks? none that are major, but definitely got em

How is your sleep? sleep is good, still waking up 2-3 times per night to let coffee out and go to the bathroom…

Best moment this week? going on a date with my husband! eeee! and the beautiful weather, and getting a negative result for the GBS test

Worst moment this week? I’ve been feeling pretty lazy most of the week so I feel like I haven’t gotten much done at all

Have you felt movement? still feeling lots of movement, very strong pushing and moving at night especially….thanks bud.

Have you heard the heartbeat? yep

Cravings? sweets! reeses cups and gummies

Belly Button In or Out? definitely out.

Weekly Wisdom: haven’t stretched every day, but a few days this week.. I have been walking a lot though!

Milestones: 19 days til D-Day!

36 weeks

We are within the month countdown! I can’t believe this pregnancy has gone by this fast and I’m still so anxious for Cristopher to get here. I think I project-ed myself out last week and didn’t do any this week. I have been doing a little bit of deep cleaning this week though. I actually dusted this week! *gasp* We’ve lived in this apartment for 2 years and 2 months and I have never dusted…. Yeah I’ve wiped down the surfaces that we see/use on a regular basis, but as far as moving books and movies and dusting underneath them and dusting the tv stand…nope, never. so that was a big accomplishment for me 😉

I did go to the Chiropractor last week and got adjusted. It was pretty funny because I was talking to the guy about why I had come in, if I had been to a chiropractor before, blah blah blah, and he felt my neck and said that he wanted to take x-rays of my neck. He starts going about setting the x-ray machine up and I’m kinda confused since you’re not supposed to have x-rays when your pregnant and I was wearing a maternity shirt that hugged my stomach so it was definitely visible. He finishes setting it up and says “So there’s no chance you’re pregnant, right?” I say “Uh, yeah, there’s a huge chance I’m pregnant….??” He said oh whoa, sorry I was so focused on your back and chart that I didn’t even look or ask…sorry! haha….seriously? I’m (at the time) just over a month away from giving birth and you didn’t even see my stomach sticking out this far? I seriously hope he didn’t think I was just fat. geeeeeez. So no x-rays for me, but I did get adjusted and within a couple hours of leaving I could feel all the congestion in my nose starting to loosen up. yay! and now I’m 99% better! (just some left over snifflys) The groupon was supposed to include x-rays (which we’re doing in a little over a month, obviously), an adjustment, and a massage. But I convinced him to let me have a second adjustment in lieu of a massage because I think it’s a better use of the money. so I’m going back on Wednesday! Ah, It felt so good to be adjusted and have my neck and back bones cracked again. I’m excited for the day that Cristian can go…hopefully that will be sooner rather than later!

We did finally install our car seat! D-Day is creeping up on us and I figured that if Cristopher comes sooner (hopefully) rather than later, It’s best to be safe and already have it installed. I ended up taking it to the fire station down the road to have them show me how to install it because apparently (this was news to me) they don’t get installed using seatbelts anymore and they use these metal bars that are between the seat and back cushions. crazy. Either way, they showed me and it wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be, but still helpful to learn from someone who knows, instead of trying to teach ourselves.


Yesterday I did a couple fun things. I made hot apple cider! I’m not one of those people who gets all giddy as soon as November rolls around. I like the holidays, sure (minus the stupid, miserable cold weather), but I have a few friends that almost become different people because they get so excited about Thanksgiving and Christmas. But, I have been craving hot apple cider since a week or two ago when I saw a recipe for it on Pinterest. So today I got all the ingredients and threw It all together! Apple juice, cinnamon sticks, cloves, nutmeg, orange peel and juice, and lemon peel. It tastes like heaven…seriously delish and makes me feel like Christmas time is super close.


I also had my sister-in-law come over and cut my hair yesterday! She’s been cutting hair for years (in North Carolina) and is halfway through a very good program to get her license to practice in Tennessee. I’ve been needing a trim for awhile and I definitely wanna look as good as possible (haha) for all those hospital pictures and afterwards. So she came and I’m super happy with how it turned out. I only wanted a trim, but I’m really picky about my bangs and she made em look great! Not to mention we got to spend a couple hours just catching up and talking which was nice too 🙂

This week, our fruits were all messed up. Apparently “cute fruit” says that this week he’s the size of a Honeydew melon and another one says he’s the size of a head of romaine lettuce… whatever, he’s big. around 6lbs and about 20″ long. He is putting on about an ounce per day but hopefully he won’t be toooo big by the time he makes his grand entrance 😉



How far along? 36 weeks!

Total Weight Gain? 24lbs. gained just over a pound this week and weigh 160! yikes, that’s a big number.

How big is nugget? the size of a Honeydew or head of romaine lettuce or a baby….

Gender? boy

Maternity Clothes? nothing new.. I’ve been strictly in yoga pants or pajama pants for almost 2 weeks now. and I’m getting close to over-using all my maternity shirts. I can’t wait to be back in my normal clothes! (yes, I know it’ll probably be at least a couple months…)

Morning Sickness? no and no more cold. yay chiropractors and natural remedies!

Mood Swings? no

Stretch Marks? legs and lovehandles mainly.. 😦

How is your sleep? sleep has been getting a little better than last week.. I can fall asleep again, but I wake up at the slightest sound. I guess my body is getting ready for listening for baby whimpers.

Best moment this week? getting my hair cut, not being sick anymore, installing the car seat, and the weather being slightly warmer than last week!

Worst moment this week? not spending near enough time with mi Amor….still 😦

Have you felt movement? He’s starting to keep me awake longer at night because of how hard he’s kicking and pushing on my stomach. It’s crazy. I can feel the parts of my stomach where he kicks being raised 2″ or so above. He’s so strong 🙂

Have you heard the heartbeat? yep

Cravings? hot apple ciderrrrr

Belly Button In or Out? definitely out.

Weekly Wisdom: trying to keep up with stretching every day. I have been taking coffee to the park for closer to an hour and a half to two hours instead of one like I used to. As long as the weather continues to cooperate, I’ll keep exercising more!

Milestones: 26 days til D-Day!

35 weeks

35 weeks! only 5 weeks left. So crazy. and my friend is due next Friday! even crazier. I remember finding out she was pregnant too and it doesn’t seem that long ago and at the same time, it seems like forever ago. It’s weird how time works.

I’ve been meaning to find a Chiropractor in Franklin who I like because I want to be able to bring Nugget to a chiropractor once he’s born. The one who my family has been seeing for a few years (who is really great), works all the way up in Nashville.. and I’d rather not drive all that way if I find someone in Franklin I like just as much. I found a few deals on Groupon and bought one for a chiropractor whose office is less than a mile from our apartment. I originally wanted Cristian to use it because he’s never been adjusted. But with his work schedule now, it’s impossible for him to go in. and I on the other hand have come down with a sore throat/cough/congestion this past week. yeah, yeah, “HAHA, you said you never get sick”…. It is rare, but 90% of the times that I do get sick are when the weather changes from warm to cold or visa versa. and It’s been getting down to the mid to low 40s at night the past week or so. So I’m gonna blame it on that. Either way, I’ve been drinking hot water with lemon, apple cider vinegar, and honey, gargling salt water, eating chicken soup, putting essential oils on my chest (which work really well for stopping the need to cough, but don’t last as long as I’d want them to), drinking probiotics and tons of water, sleeping, whatever you can think of (besides taking medicine or going to the doctor) I’m pretty sure I’ve been doing it. and while I would say on a scale of 1 to can’t-get-out-of-bed sick, I’m about a 3 or 4, I think I’m slowly getting better. BUT the point is, I’m going to use my chiropractor Groupon today because I think the last time I got adjusted was a while before I was pregnant. I’m definitely due for an adjustment and hopefully that’ll help kick this sickness.

I have been super productive this week! I’m so proud of myself. I’ve checked off SIX things from my to-do list.

#1. Mail thank you cards from the baby shower. – Yes, I know these are suuuuuuper late but better late than never, right?

#2. Get our cloth diapering things set up. I’ve now got a step trashcan with a lid that shuts, my Planet Wise pail (trash can) liner, my Planet Wise wet bag for on the go situations, my cloth diapers and inserts (duh), and wipes!–a ton of wipes… I may consider making cloth wipes once I run out of the disposables just because I’m going to be throwing the whole diaper and “trash bag” into the laundry anyways so why have a whole separate trashcan for disposable wipes? Unless I end up using disposable liners for the cloth diapers which is a possibility. but who knows… we’ll just have to see how it all plays out once little nugget gets here 🙂

#3. Make baby clothes separator. – When I initially put this on my list, I didn’t really think it would actually be helpful, it was just going to be more of a decorative thing. But when you have a whole row of onesies all the way across his wardrobe that all look the same size, It’s nice to not have to look at each tag and try to see where one size ends and the next one begins. So I finally made mine. I just used a 97 cent poster board from Walmart and glued two circles together so they were a little sturdier, and wrote 3, 6, 9, and 12 mo. and was done! incredibly easy, It just took a little bit of time to cut out 8 circles the same size…

image image

#4. Finished packing our hospital bag!… with all the things that don’t need to be packed at the last minute. I packed all the clothes for both of us: two shirts, a pair of jeans, socks, underwear, and sweat pants for Hubby. Button up shirt, shorts, yoga pants, tank top, nursing bras/tank top, leggings, comfy socks, and a cute shirt for going home for me! I also packed a small-ish bag with things to keep Cristian occupied during the “slow times” (if such a time even happens..) So all in all we have nuggets diaper bag, Cristian’s entertainment/snack bag, my boppy, our clothing bag and my boots (both of which will likely stay in the car until after delivery)



Gummy life savers (his favorite candy), gum (another Achilles heel of his), a snack mix, a few magazines (car, fitness, and tattoo), red bull (for the long nights ahead 😉 ) and the hard candy is actually for me to suck on during labor haha.

#5. Make more baby legs. – The only pair I have was the brown patterned (not super cute for a baby, I’m not gonna lie) ones I made as my trial run. I bought two more pairs of long socks from Wal Mart and actually made them into the baby legs in the same week! I’m pretty proud of myself. Here’s the two newest additions to Cristopher’s closet

imageYou see that inside out cuff on the blue striped pair? Yeah, I totally did that in my trial pair that I made and I was SO mad at myself that I did it again. ugh. such a dumb mistake. But the red ones turned out perfect! and besides the inside out cuff, the blue pair are pretty darn cute too.

and last, but definitely not least, #6. Make diaper rash cream. – THIS was a challenge. Not necessarily in difficulty, but more so in the “every-single-thing-that-can-go-wrong-will” way. I started this project in the afternoon after picking up my fresh honey comb from my mom who brought it back with her from my grandmother’s house (THANK YOU, Happy!). The first step is to put the honey comb and some water into a pot and let it all melt. Done, simple enough. Second you have to strain the impurities out of the wax/water mixture and put it into a different pot to let the wax separate from the water and produce a disk (more or less) of more-pure wax. Okay, so I was reading all about how to do this from somewhere off the internet and this genius says to use a mesh strainer. So I’m just going along with it.. strain the liquid into the new pot and go to the sink to rinse off the strainer. Not even thinking twice about it, put it under cold water….. I don’t know how much you know about wax, but when it becomes cold, IT BECOMES HARD. (almost as complicated as rocket science, I know). Now my mesh strainer is chock full of cold wax with all the junk stuck in there along with it. I tried running it under hot water-nothing. I tried boiling water in a pot with the strainer in the water and then scraping it out-nothing. I tried scraping it out with no water-nothing. So I’m pretty much resigned to throw my strainer away unless Hubby can somehow miraculously clean it out when he gets home (he has a way of making impossible things, possible.. so I wouldn’t put it past him). Third, you have to take the wax disc out of the water and put it back into the first pot and re-melt just the wax. then you have to strain it a second time to really get the last bit of impurities out. well, obviously I don’t have a strainer at this point. I texted my Aunt Christine who had made beeswax out of honeycomb in the past (Don’t ask me why I didn’t text her initially, I don’t know) and she suggested I strain the wax through panty hose – genius. I grabbed an old pair (my only pair, mind you), gladly chopped it up to a smaller piece and strained the wax into a little jar. I now had pure beeswax! YAY!

But its not over yet. In order to make the actual diaper rash cream, I needed to melt the correct amount of beeswax then add the correct amount of coconut oil, melt them together and once melted, add a few drops of Lavender essential oil and voila! sounds easy, right? HA.

First I didn’t know how much beeswax I had ended up with and I didn’t really have a way to weigh it (in ounces) or measure it in teaspoons or tablespoons because it was a hardened rock in the little jar. The instructions for the rash cream said to melt the beeswax in a glass jar inside a pot with about an inch of water – kinda like a double boiler. I figured I’d just melt the whole thing down and then take out however much I needed and put it into another glass container (I was thinking short drinking glass). I knew what container I wanted everything to end up in, but like the cheap plastic product it is, of course it didn’t say how many ounces total the container held. I searched all around my kitchen and finally found something that said it held 3oz and just filled that with water and transferred it til my other container was full (ended up holding 6oz) cool. Except the recipe I had yielded 4oz. so just a quick little bit of math and I needed 5.25oz coconut oil and .75oz beeswax. I pulled out my handy dandy iPhone and googled what that would convert to in Tablespoons. (no, I didn’t do it in my head even though I was homeschooled) Alright so back to melting. I had my beeswax in my jar in my pot of boiling water on the stove slowly melting my freshly made beeswax. Then I scooped my solid coconut oil into a short glass and popped it in the microwave to melt down to an oil. Now both are melted and moved onto the counter. The instructions specifically said to add the coconut oil to the beeswax, but the only problem was that I hadn’t measured out my beeswax and I had measured out my coconut oil so I figured there’d be no problem adding it the other way – wrong. As soon as I started adding my 1.5Tbs of beeswax to my coconut oil, it immediately hardened when it hit the coconut oil. Why? I don’t know. But no worries, right? I can just put this little glass with my perfect amount of coconut oil and perfect amount of beeswax (no longer melted) back into the inch of boiling water and let it all re-melt. Piece of cake…….. no again. As soon as I put the glass into the pot I turn around to put something in the sink and hear a cracking noise. of course my glass has split. boiling water and pre-measured coconut oil now all blended together. ugh. Thankfully the beeswax was still in solid form and I could quickly grab that out and put it into a different canning jar (again, don’t ask me why I didn’t use the canning jar in the first place… idiot me). Then I restarted the whole process and added everything in the correct order this time and it finally turned out correct. All in all, I’m very happy with the 6oz of diaper rash cream that I now have, but geez. If I had known it would  have been that difficult, I would have probably made it a different day. Here are some pictures of the whole process 🙂


after the first strain, starting to form a disc

after the first strain, starting to form a disc

my wonderful, ruined strainer

my wonderful, ruined strainer

the disc of wax, pre-second strain

the disc of wax, pre-second strain

beautiful, pure beeswax

beautiful, pure beeswax

after a few mishaps.. finally adding my coconut oil TO my beeswax

after a few mishaps.. finally adding my coconut oil TO my beeswax

Finished product!!

Finished product!!

Whew. What an afternoon/evening. But I guess I saved the hardest for last.. The only other real projects I have on my list (even though I’m sure I’ll come up with more) is to make cloth ring toys which I just need to find someone willing to give me scrap fabrics to make them, and to finish my baby blanket which is coming along slowly but nicely 🙂

This last “project” wasn’t really a project because it wasn’t on my to-do list and I just don’t put it into the category of projects. It was more like a homemaking chore or something. Anyway, I’m reallyyyyyy bad about eating breakfast. Cristian can attest to this (he hates it. even though he barely eats breakfast either, go figure). I’m just so unmotivated to make food in the mornings or nothing sounds good. Normally I’ll wake up, feed coffee, get dressed, get my morning dose of pinterest/facebook, and by then coffee is whining to go to the park. It’s not that I don’t like to eat or am not hungry, but I’m just lazy. So this “project” was initially to use up the canned pumpkin I had in the fridge and also intended more for Cristian because he doesn’t have time to make breakfast before he has to go to work, but I don’t think he’s as much of a fan of it as I am (I think he’ll be sticking with his protein shake and an apple). I made pumpkin waffles, tore them into quarters and put them in the freezer! That way, in the mornings I just take two out of the bag, put em in our amazing toaster and make it into a peanut butter waffle sandwich. They’re fast, easy, and delicious. I love pumpkin. and at the rate I’m going through these, I’ll probably need to make a batch again before Nugget gets here…maybe blueberry or apple next time 🙂




Finally, our portrait and fruit of the week. my “cute fruit” app says that he’s the size of a coconut but I refuse to believe he’s that small unless he’s one of those green coconuts on steroids. So I looked somewhere else and it said the size of a honeydew melon which sounds much more reasonable, so I went with that this week.



How far along? 35 weeks!

Total Weight Gain? 22.6lbs

How big is nugget? the size of a Honeydew (not a coconut..)

Gender? boy

Maternity Clothes? I don’t plan on getting any more maternity clothes

Morning Sickness? no, just regular sickness at the moment

Mood Swings? no

Stretch Marks? legs and lovehandles mainly.. 😦

How is your sleep? last night was probably the worst sleep I’d gotten so far. Coffee woke me up to go out at 12:30, 2:45, 3:45, and 4:45. I was pissed. and every time I’d try to go back to sleep I’d end up coughing at least 4-5 times before I could go to sleep and after she woke me up at 4:45, I couldn’t go to sleep for almost an hour.

Best moment this week? getting a bunch of things checked off my to-do list

Worst moment this week? not spending near enough time with mi Amor.

Have you felt movement? almost every time I sit up, I can feel his feet pushing up into my ribs because he’s getting so big. It’s pretty uncomfortable, for sure, but I still love feeling him move around.

Have you heard the heartbeat? yep

Cravings? peanut butter and waffle sandwiches

Belly Button In or Out? definitely out.

Weekly Wisdom: continue stretching every day

Milestones: 5 little weeks (hopefully) til we get to meet our lil Nugget! 😀

34 weeks

5 weeks and 4 days left til our due date! just over a month!! 😀 My belly is getting bigger and bigger, rounder and rounder. My pelvic joints feel like they’re super tight. I didn’t realize they were that way until a friend of mine sent me a yoga video she did and said it made her feel great. so I tried it and realized that I should have been stretching a long time ago. So I’ve been doing about 10 minutes of yoga every day to stretch my limbs haha.

News of the week: Hubby got a second job again. Previously at Carrabbas, they had been giving him a decent amount of overtime so once I stopped working, there would be no need for another job. But now the big bosses are getting stricter about overtime hours and his normal (overtime) hours are getting cut back. So Cristian started a new job on Monday at a little Mexican restaurant in Nashville. It pays decent, but they’re letting him work all day Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursday morning (possibly all day too). Which as of now, are the only shifts he has off from Carrabbas. If everything continues to go well (he likes it so far), he’ll be working all day, more or less, 7 days a week. 😦 It’s sad because now I only have night times with him and he’s so sleepy by the time he gets home. But he’s so dedicated to making sure our little guy has the best life we can give him and he is 100% willing to do whatever it takes for that to happen. It’s sad, but I’m so blessed to have him be our little nugget’s father.

This week I’ve started making water kefir. Regular kefir (the milk based kind) grosses me out….like, super gross. ew. But the water kefir is completely different and tastes more like a sweet fizzy beer. image It’s not overly sweet like a soda, but it’s definitely sweeter than a beer. I normally flavor mine with mango and strawberry so it’s actually quite tasty! – Cristian even likes it and was upset when we ran out yesterday! I only started making it because like Kombucha, it has a ton of probiotics in it… and probiotics are very helpful in giving you a negative result on the Group B Strep test which I’m being given next week. But I think even after I take the test (and hopefully it comes back negative), I’ll continue to make it because it’s so good for you, easy to make, and tastes good 🙂    — I swear, I feel like I’m becoming more and more like a holistic hippy every day.

I made some delicious tacos the other day and figured I’d let you all drool over the pictures. Chipotle marinated chicken tacos with mango salsa-mmm. image image

The main project I’ve been working on this week is packing our hospital bag! It seems way too early, but you never know what can happen and it’s better to be prepared than unprepared, right? There are a couple different parts to the hospital bag and so far I’ve only finished the baby’s. But I’m about halfway through mine and Cristian’s.

First: our toiletries bag!


Shampoo, Conditioner, Face wash, Mouth wash, Toothbrushes (Yeah, I could have used the ones we already have, but it’s time for us to get new ones anyways, so I figured I’d just bring these and then bring them home), Toothbrush covers, Toothpaste, Deodorant, Hairband and Bobby pins, Hand sanitizer, chapstick, and coconut oil (for moisturizer, baby butt cream (instead of vasaline or aquaphor), nipple cream (TMI?), etc.)

Second: Nugget’s bag!



Fuzzy Blanket for the ride home, Receiving blanket, Footie sleeper and non-footie sleeper, Wet bag for dirty clothes on the way home, 2 pairs of scratch mittens, 2 pairs of socks, 3 hats (a baby needs fashion options!), 2 gowns, and 3 onesies (2 small and 1 slightly bigger just in case he’s a big boy), and 3 of the burp rags I made!

I’ll probably change my mind and add/remove certain things within the next few weeks, but a of now that’s what its got! I just have to pack clothes for Cristian (I’ve got most of mine all ready), snacks, electronics and chargers (which we cant pack til the last minute anyways), and a few other things.

The fruit of the week is a cantaloupe but I’m pretty positive that’s way smaller than 19-20 inches but both my apps said its cantaloupe so there’s no arguing with technology! I did go to the doctor on Monday and he did an ultrasound to check head and belly measurements. Everything looks good and on track, and according to that, our little nugget weighs around 5lbs!




How far along? 34 weeks!

Total Weight Gain? 21lbs…I weigh 157 this week

How big is nugget? the size of a cantaloupe? he weighs 5 lbs!

Gender? boy

Maternity Clothes? I don’t plan on getting any more maternity clothes

Morning Sickness? no

Mood Swings? no

Stretch Marks? none on my stomach still..just my legs and a few on the chichis

How is your sleep? naps are still good, but sleeping at night is harder. I woke up at 430 this morning to pee and let Coffee out and couldn’t fall asleep for almost an hour after that 😦

Best moment this week? starting packing our hospital bag!

Worst moment this week? waiting on our maternity pictures

Have you felt movement? strong movements! Its obvious he’s running out of space because I can feel almost every little movement.

Have you heard the heartbeat? yep

Cravings? Still drinking tons of smoothies!

Belly Button In or Out? definitely out.

Weekly Wisdom: I need to start regularly doing yoga

Milestones: less than 6 weeks left!